My handsome boy
Where have we been?! It seems between the stomach bug, sinus infections, and fires we have been down and out on and off for a few weeks. The cedar takes a toll on Zach, he is struggling to breathe these days. If it does not rain soon might all be in trouble. (It has not rained since Sept of last year)
Today we started our first round of Easter Egg hunts... I love Easter, such a great time of year and the kids hopefully will learn the real meaning.. meanwhile we love the hunts, activities, learning about Jesus, and my favorite matching outfits! Today we joined the gang at First Methodist at Hill Park for the annual egg hunt... They do such a great job at making sure everyone gets plenty of eggs.... which in turn means plenty of candy. I can see the look on Zach's face as the kids are opening up all the candy... it is like anxiety setting in. He is anti candy so he just cringes as each kid holds up another laffy taffy as if they won a gold medal. It is always a battle, I love the people who put silly bands and toys in there so it keeps the peace! It seems my children have my sweet tooth! Looking forward to a fun week now off to see the Blue Devils play a game against the green dragons... pictures will follow!
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