Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My mess in a dress...

As I am sitting her listening to a conversation between on of EJ's friends.. I thought I need to write this down before I forget.. the little stories that I will laugh at later...

One of her friends said "I don't like you June."
EJ replyed., "My name is Emily June and YOU will like me.. YOU do like me."
His reply, " You are right Emily June I do!"

I know I have a strong personality, and I love her for that... as long as we can channel it in the right directions.. but now days I get a little nervous when people come up to me and say, " Oh, you are Emily June's mom.... we hear about her all the time." I am not sure exactly what to say about that mainly bc I have no idea if it is good or not! At a birthday lunch today for a sweet friend of mine she told me a little story that is cute, but kind of disturbing with it is your child! She started telling me  last week when I was walking in she overheard a conversation with a little girl in EJ's class with her mommy. It went something like this,
" Mommy can I be the princess today?"
Her mom, " Sure honey, you are a princess."
"No, I am a King, the whole class is a king, Emily June says there is only one princess and it is her."

As a mom what do you say to this?! We read the God's princess books and I explained that all little girls are Princesses.. His princesses.. So we went though the class picture today pointing to all the little girls and she said she would make sure to tell them they were princesses on Thursday.

I just keep praying.