Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thank you Oprah!

I hope every mom has a dvr or tivo and taped this weeks Oprah talking about Mom's and the hidden truths. I was sold in the first 5 minutes when she said, "Every mom needs a wife." Genius. Also, the hands that flew up when she asked, " How many of you mom's would trade your husband for a housekeeper!" I thought to myself, I need to get Terri back.. I know the economy is bad, but before I trade my husband I need my sweet helper back twice a month! ( I let her go when Zach was laid off and thought how hard could it be to keep the house clean?!) It was so much fun and relaxing to watch. I am the honest one when people ask (especially new moms) about child birth and being a mom. I can honestly say it is the best job in the world, most rewarding and the hardest at the same time. Child Birth did not bother me, I had an epidural and both kids came out with out too much pain.. however, no one ever mentioned the worst part of child birth is when your chest fills up with milk! I remember thinking, " What in the world have I gotten myself into... my chest was in so much pain and the thought of someone feeding/squeezing from it sent me overboard! Not to mention my babies did not take to nursing very well (Or come to think of it, it was probably me who did not take to it. ) Which did not matter, bc you had to do it.. it was the best thing for the baby everyone told me and wanting to be the best mother ever, I was going to do it! I did, for 6 long months with Wyatt. Zach remembers coming home everyday and I would have pour a glass (or glasses by the time he came home!) of wine at 4 Pm with my cheese tray and crackers and have a snack with Oprah. I felt so isolated with Wyatt that I really felt Oprah and I bonded during the first months of Wyatt's birth! It was hard going from a job where you were "important" and interacting with people all day long to sitting at home with a newborn that I had no idea how to take care of . Everything scared me... especially chocking. I do not think I let him eat solid food until he was 1.. I was terrified! When he slept I would get up and hold my hand across his body to see if he was breathing.. all though the night... then I would turn him so his head would not get flat. I sanitized everything.. including the swings at the park and worry constantly. ... Then June came along and something clicked.. I thought, " I can do this." and she has been so enjoyable. She never ate baby food went straight to table food, she is so independent and touches everything (yes, even things that are not sanitized!) She showed me how to enjoy both her and Wyatt without the worrying about the little things.. (That and the fact my Dr put me on hormone drugs to level myself out! ) I love the honestly of moms, we are not perfect and sometimes all I feel like I do is say "no!" and find myself singing the Mickey Mouse song in my head, oh and realized showers without children in your bathroom going through your makeup drawers are a luxury! How life changes!

1 comment:

Kris said...

Amen! I'm in town for a while - we need to get together!