Saturday, June 20, 2009


Emily June Doss.. hours old. Mommy still looks like the drugs are in her system!

I have been looking for pictures of Emily June from her birth at the hospital... I have been so behind / disorganized on putting baby books together I knew one day I would have to tell her, "Sorry honey, we only have 1000 pictures of your brother at birth, but lost the few we had of you!" Thank goodness for my mom! I found this one on her facebook page and immediately saved it to my disk. The kids looked nothing alike at birth so I could not pawn off one baby for another! Why do they grow up so quick? I can hardly remember her being that small and she has changed so much. Yesterday we were at Target and there was a little girl throwing a temper tantrum in her cart and EJ looked over at her and yelled, "HUSH!" Yes, she is 17 months old.. I thought it was funny, but the mother of the screaming child did not find it so amusing! She loves to sing, Zach taught her "You are my sunshine" and she walks around with the sweetest voice singing "Sunshine."

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