Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Fourth of July !!

HEre we are another year later at the Children's Parade and it seems now Wyatt is able to ride a "bike" and June can sit up and participate this year!

And we are off!
Wyatt riding by himself... he loves this old tricycle (bike to him) Sometimes you cannot beat the faithful toys that have been around for years. Dad loves to find the great finds at estate and garage sales... forget the motorized cars we have at home!
Why can we not all look at the camera at the same time?! My babies..
The McNeels... so Cute!
Ryan is holding June.. she adores him.
Hudson and Wyatt found two other tricycles and helmets to play with.. we had no idea who's they were... but they were having a good time.
Look at those legs! I wish they were mine... Jenn somehow got stuck with pulling my kids!
I love you Brock!
Wyatt entered the Tbird at GT Car show.. he was excited. (Skeet has told him he will save it for him when he turns 16)
On the way home.. he insisted his glasses (June's glasses) matched his new Green shoes.. He is obsessed with Green.. we can all thank Noah Crumpler for that one!
On the way to the parade...
Coming home from the parade and car show!
My very favorite picture... I love this! Wyatt in his cowboy boots (Thanks to Papa) and he just might bring back shorts and boots for a new hip look! June adores her brother and lately he has just been really sweet to her.

We had a good Fourth of July. It is hard for me to blog today bc it is so quiet around my house. This was the first day I took BOTH kids to First Pres for the July session of Mother's Day Out. It is errie quiet! I should embrace it, but it is sad they are old enough to go together.
Wyatt is really starting to pick up on things and last night he said at the dinner table (on his own) "Dear God, thank you for Jesus, thank you for Mommy, thank you for Daddy and June and Dear God thank you for Cars, Doc, Lighting, Hudson, amen." It was so sweet and so random. I have always told him he can pray when ever he wants, not just at bedtime and dinner.. and I think he gets it. I love the innocence and honesty.
Emily June is nonstop.. she has no fear, I keep saying that and this past weekend she was in the pool not even thinking twice about it. My worst fear, the pool, and her she is already jumping in without any life jackets nothing! So I constantly worry with her. That is her personality.. when I dropped her off today for the FIRST time she walked right into the room like she has been there a hundred times before! With Wyatt I had to pry him off me.. he was crying, I was crying... totally different today. Wyatt was so excited to see his friends.. he told me last week in the car, " Mom, I love my friends." I cannot wait to pick them up at 2, what am I going to do when they are both is school this fall?!

UPDATE: Both did great.. except when I picked up June they told me she did bite some little boy. They were playing and he had his hands around her face/mouth and she sunk her teeth into his sweet finger. They do not tell you names... but after talking to Laura and found out some kid bit Sammy today it was obvious! Sorry Lala!!!


Janai Rogers said...

i love the passed out picture! Peace for Momma!

Kay-Lynn said...

Looks like ya'll had a great time! We are in Texas and so we had a great 4th of July too!

Hopefully I will get some pics posted before the month is over!