Saturday, January 16, 2010


New year.. New year resolutions.. do I even attemp to write them out? Same ones every year... with a few to add. I guess if I do write them out I would be more accountable.. so here is goes.
1. Eat healthier... Sugar is not a food group. Loose the 8 lbs that is stuck to me!
2. Do not yell when frustrated at the kids... have more patients!
3. Tithe regularly and the full 10%..
4. Exercise at least 3 days a week...
5. Be a better Mom/wife

So there, I will update myself in May to see how I am doing.

A new year starts off with Emily June's birthday.. why and I having such a hard time? It seems my baby girl has grown up so fast and this last week of a "baby" before I officially have to say she is 2 and a toddler. I have been through the 2's and now battling the 3's and really would like to keep her where she is and how she is. She is so much fun.. her comments crack me up.. From, "Oh dear." To "Bubba is bothering me." she is so precious, her voice is angelic and she has not figured out how to talk back.. I fear the future! She wakes up every morning in a good mood ready for anything, she is a fearless child.. not afraid of anything either. So when the terrible twos come, I hope to remind myself of this point where she is innocent and so sweet...
This is also the time where people ask "How old are your children?" and for a few months I can say 2 and 3.. then I get funny looks.. Some people have asked if they are twins... June is 100% in her height and 50% in weight (would that not be wonderful!?) Wyatt is opposite.. he is 50 % in height.. so they do look about the same age in a grocery cart I guess.
I guess I have been hard on Wyatt in teh blog with his 3's, but you caught me at a bad week! He is so sweet, just having a hard time with listening... we are working on it. His personality is so much like mine, I feel liek I can see through him and know exactly what he is thinking/feeling and how is about to react. He is very tender, so he is learning how to deal with others his age who are more aggressive. This is hard for me too! Who wants to hear from your son, " I really like Harper, but he is not very nice to me?!" I know they are kids and will work it out, but the first time you hear your child saying someone is not nice to them...the claws want to come out! I also realize with Emily June right behind him that second children are so different and she can be the agressive one!

I hope to have a wonderful week with my BABY this week!

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