Thursday, June 16, 2011

Memorial Day

Sweet Pam and EJ
Outside the CAF
Missing Man formation, they played taps afterwards and it is always so emotional.

I actually made the kids sit and listen to the speech, it was hot.. they were tired of sitting.. but I do feel it is important even at a young age to show some respect and one day remember why they had to sit and listen. Zach was sweating buckets and I made him sit too:)
All my boys.. are they not handsome?!
Devil Dog is the new airplane they are trying to restore and keep flying.. very similar the Fifi campaign..

Daddy's Girl

Thank you to all of those who have served and died for our freedom. A freedom I know I take for granted. I hear of those people who are oppressed, cannot make their own decisions, forced to live in conditions we consider unbearable, forced to worship a certain religion, and I realize the older I get just how blessed we are. I know we do not live in a perfect country, but we live in a free country that so many have fought for. I am so appreciative. I never really understood the importance of Memorial Day and Vets Day until I got older, I use to just think of it as a another school holiday. I know look at my Dad, who served in Vietnam, differently.. he has always been a hero.. but now to more than just me. He is someone I am so proud of, someone I respect even more for the selfless act of fighting for our country. Along with my Peepa (WW2), Zach's granddaddy, friends, cousins, and so many I cannot even begin to thank.
This year we celebrated at teh CAF, it was great. It was hot, but what is not hot in West Texas these days! The kids love the CAF, so it was fun for them to see all the airplanes, they had games, clowns, all sorts of stuff for the family.

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