Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Fun

Friday night was a beautiful night and we had a sweet little Pumpkin party. The kids painted themselves, and pumpkins:) 
 Beautiful princesses!

 Saturday one of the local churches put on a fall festival and it was free to the community.. we took full advantage and had a great time. There were four bouncies so they went from one to another to another.. it was great, they wore themselves out! 

 Football throw in the tire...took a couple of tries, but he eventually nailed it.

This is the same train I had to drive at FP one year for our end of the year party. It is basically like a riding lawn mower with a shell of a train on it... well I could not take my foot off the clutch or it would die.. and the seat is not adjustable.. so my shorts legs and 2 hours later meant serious leg.calf cramps the next day! So, I am glad my children are enjoying this train and even more glad that I do not have to drive it!
My red raider
My Boba Fett 

I love Fall! I know not everyone participates in Halloween these days, but some of my fondest memories were my Halloweens growing up. The Elias family always celebrated in fun way, we had carnivals, trick er treating, haunted houses and I looked forward to it every year! Our costumes were not like they are today, they were either home made, or the cheezy plastic ones with the mask that the string always broke. I always voted for creative, home made ones. I unfortunately have not gone that route with the kids, they have come a long way in Halloween costumes! (And thank goodness bc I am not Martha)  The fun has started early this year.... I do this every year and by the time the actual Halloween holiday gets here we are tired of it!The kids love Halloween too.. Candy, festivals, dressing up and more candy... who would not love it!  EJ has the opportunity to dress up in her usual princess clothes and actually get away with it for a couple of weeks. This year Wyatt is a "storm trooper"( not that he has scene Star Wars,) but wanted to be one.. so bless it heart, his costume is hot.. and the weather is still not cool yet! The joys of living in the dessert.

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