Wednesday, September 24, 2008

8 months old and growing up so fast!

All girl...
Sweet baby
"No hands!"
Cute or what?!
"Mom, you are too big!"

I say this every month but it is so true.. "I cannot believe my baby girl is 8 months old!" She is getting so big and her little personality is really starting to come out. She is determined, just like my mother (her Mee-ma)! Zach and I call her the "pit bull," bc once she gets a hold of something or wants something..nothing gets in her way... just like June! She is now taking her brother's toys away from him (it has always been the other way around), eating more people food (even without teeth), and starting to stand up on her own. Way too early to start any of this! She is our little cuddle bug..she loves her mommy and daddy is not happy unless she is touching one of us. Zach and I are trying to embrace every minute bc we realize how fast it went by with Wyatt. She still adores her brother and follows him around everywhere. He is getting a little better over time and is not always so mean to her!

Wyatt is now 2 yr and 4 months... Everyone asks if he is potty trained yet...NO! We are going to conquer potty training the week of please start praying for us now! I am going cold turkey- straight to underwear so that week will be devoted to him. We are already preparing... and I am not looking forward to this. ( I am doing this that week bc he is out of school and I can devote that week to him with Zach being home to help with June.. just in case you are wondering!)
He too is getting so big, his vocabulary grows everyday and he is so funny. Last night at dinner Zach and were talking and he looks over at Zach and says, "Daddy, you listen to Mommy!" He is all ears and picks up on watch what you say around him! He still has a passion for cars and firetrucks... he can tell you just about every match box car he has and loves to sit there and play with them, or be outside riding his cars!

I feel so blessed to have my kids and I am so thankful everyday. Sometimes we take them for granted... but I know how fortunate I am to have them.

Side note: Amy had her brain surgery yesterday at MD Anderson.. it was an 11hr surgery and everything went great.. She was alert last night and in good spirits.. they are confident it is not cancer. Thank you for the prayers, I know Don and Cheryl and the family appreciates it.


Stuart, Jennifer, Hannah and Hudson Yeager (Phoebe and Daisy too!) said...

June Bug is getting soooo big! She is precious! Lets plan on getting the girls together sometime in the next couple of weeks!

Janai Rogers said...

Sweet June is precious. I want in on your playdate with Jennifer and Hannah. Those girls needs to teach my boys a few things.