Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Back to Blogging....

My first black eye....

I have not blogged in a week and I feel like I have already forgotten what fun and cute things my kids have done or said...that is why I love my blog. Zach said I was getting addicted to blogging and doing it at night in bed was a problem.. I did not think it was, but I am trying to respect him so I have to wait until nap time now!!

This week has been good.. MDO is wonderful, Wyatt took his apple to school to make applesauce (he will not eat it at home, but somehow when you make it at school it taste much better!) I am trying to really watch what the kids eat and make June's food and keep Wyatt on a healthy meal plan. I did get lazy for a while and he was eating a lot of junk and I swear you can tell a difference in their attitudes with a better diet... not that we still do not have an attitude and he still refuses to eat 1/2 of what I cook him so I just put foil on it and warm it up for the next meal. Sounds harsh but what else do you do?!

Today he managed to make it all the way thru "church school" (CBS )without any injuries.. His eye really healed well, he did not get a big black eye , but did get a good green and purple bruise just in time for school pictures! I am posting a picture of Wyatt's first black eye, I am confident this will not be the last!

This past weekend mom and I took the kids to the airshow Saturday morning (Wyatt it terrified of loud sounds so we had to go with the show was not going on) and he enjoyed it, Brock and Hudson were out there too so that made it even better. The big attraction was not the planes, but the police car that they had and were letting the kids sit inside...that is until ours showed up! Before we know it Brock was on the CB, Hudson was typing on the computer and Wyatt found the sirens. The police officer told us originally "there was nothing they can do to hurt it" so all three boys jumped in and next thing we knew after they had figured out how to turn on everything, the police officers disconnected the car battery so others could play. (Apparently, they have never had to do that in the 3 years they have been coming!) Never under estimate the power of 3 toddlers and one police car! I cannot believe I did not take my camera but they were adorable. Once again, June observed everything from the stroller... someday she will catch up with them. We headed home and mom and I had the best time together Saturday afternoon getting pedicures and going shopping. I miss being an only child and having all her attention all the time! So I have to cherish the time we get without kids and husbands.
I do want to send out a CONGRATULATIONS to Laura.. she is having a little girl! Two boys and a girl.. perfect combo...and happy birthday to Caleb and Gracie this week!