Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Four, Four, Four

I stole this from Janai's blog ...I thought it was cute.
A) Four places that I go to over and over: HEB, flat belly (smoothies), MDO (First Pres), Target
B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly): Dad, Mom, Jennifer M, and Laura
C) Four of my favorite places to eat: PF Changs, Cancun Grill, Wall Street, and Tin Star
D) Four places I would rather be right now: getting a massage, or facial, or pedicure, or on a beach relaxing!
E) Four people I think or who I'd like to respond: (fellow stalkers) Jennifer Y, Darby, Kristen D, Janai already did obviously!
F) Four TV shows I watch: Project Runway (bravo reality), Intervention, house hunters, Oprah

1 comment:

Janai Rogers said...

all very good answers. PF Changs was a close fifth!