Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Breaking bad habits

I have to admit I am embarrased to say June has been sleeping in our room and in our bed for the last year... Yes, I know what all the books say and I did not do this with Wyatt and realize it is time for her to meet her crib in her room. I have put it off bc of the anticipation of a horrible, screaming night and waking Wyatt up all night long. (June holds her breath when she is mad, scared or hurt and will literally pass out, turn blue or go limp... it is the scarest thing for a mother.. but apparently a phase for toddlers and somewhat common. I have researched it, and talked to my Dr about it and it will last for a minute, but he assures me she will grow out of it and there will not be any brain damage. Just a sign of temper tantrums... ) Anyway, Zach always puts June down so he wrapped her up (we said a lot of prayers that she would sleep and not scream the minute she sees her pink room) rocked her, and put her in her bed... She slept all night long. Then last night was my night and she was up a few times, but not near as bad as I anticipated. Not to say it could still get worse, but we have done it.. she is in her bed. I do miss having her right next to me, but I know it is the right thing to do.

So on to the next bad habit to break... (I am putting it all out there. )Wyatt still goes to bed with a bottle of warm milk. He will be 3 in May. My Dr told me absolutly no bottles after 1 and here we are approaching 3. Wyatt is the best sleeper and never gives anyone any trouble about going to bed. All he wants is a bottle and a sassy (pacificer- another habit to break, another day!) I have felt like I need to pick my battles and if he walks in his room, goes straight to bed with a bottle then is it necessary to listen to him scream if I take it away? I mean his teeth are going to fall out anyway?! The funny thing is June hates her bottle and wants a cup.. boys and girls are so different.

Lets just keep praying June sleeps in her bed and starts to like her OWN room!

On a side note, on my 25 things below I mentioned my first kiss was Ellis Taylor. I found on Facebook through an old friend in JRH that he was in that miliary helicopter crash on A&M campus Jan 15 and was seriouly injured. I just wish him the best and hope he fully recovers..I just thought that was weird after I blogged that and then hear that news.


Janai Rogers said...

congrats on you baby-free room! Be strong. It tooks us a couple of weeks for the crying to lessen.

Betsy said...

just for the record - i don't think that having your kids sleep with you is a "bad habit"