Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

New love on Valentine's DAy.. Dad and Pam
This is the look I received when I told Emily June she would have to wait to eat her candy!
Beautiful girl before her Valentine Party
Peek a boo!
Skeet and Nini treated us to a wonderful Valentine's Day lunch.
Papa with the kids
My ladies man.
Ahhh Painting a Valentine picture at school. EJ LOVES to paint.. however, she is the messiest painter I have ever scene so I hate to get it all out at home. Thank goodness for MDO. Although, last week she came in and said, "Mommy I painted the TV.!" I walked in there and she literally had toothpaste covering the TV and toothpaste EVERYWHERE! I said, " where did you get the toothpaste?" her reply, " Your drawer.. do you like my pictures?!" Thank goodness Zach was not around... apparently the week before they painted with toothpaste at school with respect to dental week!
I am so Sassy.. this reminds me so much of my Emily growing up. Dressed up and loving every minute of it!

Handsome boy
Family picture take one...

We had a wonderful Valentines week. The kids has parties at school and we have enough candy to put Halloween to shame! With chocolate being my weakness, not a good thing! I have to say the kids party favors are much different than when I was a kid. I remember we use to make a shoe box and everyone would put their Valentine in the box and it was so much fun to see who gave you what Valentine. I remember picking out each one and addressing each Valentine. Now, you take the Valentines (with no names on them) and literally both of the kids bags were filled with goodies, teddy bears, candy, clappers... it was crazy! They love it though. The only bad thing is I have the kids at two different places and the parties are always at the same time. Skeet and Nini filled in for me at Wyatt's and were the hit! So thankful to have family in town and so involved with the kids. Valentine's Day on Sunday just means you get to celebrate it all weekend long! Today, I am detoxing from sugar (that is the goal at least) and hope to get back us all back on a healthy eating schedule.

I have to say I am still very spoiled with my mom sending me beautiful flowers, Dad gave me my favorite candy, and Pam a wonderful Mommy gift basket.. topped off with a bottle of wine called, "Mommy's time out!" I love having so many wonderful people in my life. (Have I mentioned Pam and my Dad are dating?! ) IT was an even better Valentine's Day because I have not scene my dad so happy in a LONG time.... it has to do with my sweet friend Pam.. who is now my Dad's girlfriend. People ask me if it is weird.. and I say, " As long as he does not hurt her, bc she is the sweetest thing and I love her dearly!" So, no pressure Dad! It is just a good feeling to see your parents happy, despite everything that has happened in the last few years. The roles definitely change when you get older where now, I worry about them!

1 comment:

Molly said...

So cute! Love your family picture too!