Sunday, April 24, 2011

More Easter...

EJ's Class at First Pres... Such a great class.. really going to miss them next year.
My favorite picture.. They are so cute. So natural. I need to black and white this one.
Chicken Egg!
Mommy's creation for snacks this year.
EJ before school on her Easter party day

Meema went to spend Easter with GG but she made sure she stopped by on her way out... WE love our Meema.This picture needs to be on a card. The annoyed look of "Seriously, another picture in matching outfits!" I love their expression.

Wyatt before his School Easter Egg Party and HuntWyatt at his school party. They did their hunt during school hours so we did not get to see it, but he assured me he got plenty of eggs.. which means plenty of candy :) He just came in from recess, can you tell he sweats like his daddy?
Loving on Aunt Dixie.

Can you see the tip of her tongue it is orange.. bc she tried to eat the orange tablet thinking it was candy... We cannot keep things out of her mouth right now!
The Doss' have a method to their Easter Egg dying... much more organized and colorful than any of ours in the years past. (imagine that!)
Nini and Dixie

Attempt at trying to get a picture all together...
My sweet Dad and his girlfriend Pam... they are so precious and in love right now. Have not scene my Dad this happy in years..maybe decades!
Some of my favorite people:) .
Two of my three favorite boys...
Sweet Daddy. WE went and had brunch with the Easter bunny. It seemed like a great idea... but by the time we got to the hunting eggs part they were tired and worn out from waiting. Bad planning! Cute picture though:)

EJ called to help Mr. Harlin in his magic show, she loves every minute. Wyatt did throw a fit bc he was not asked... We are learning sometimes life is just not fair!

I love this picture, it pretty much sums up our personalities right now!
My handsome boy... that face gets me every time!

The Easter Bunny... EJ kept asking me, "Why is the Easter bunny sad?" I just said it was a bad consume.. good Mom huh? They know it is a costume, I cannot seriously look at them and say that Easter Bunny is real. It was a pathetic costume!

Did I mention I love Easter?! Well, Easter is not even here and I feel we did too much this year. The kids have had a ton of Easter egg hunts, parties, baskets from family.... that I feel they are missing the whole point. I love to have fun and celebrate the holiday, but I will think of better ways next year. I was happy tonight at dinner when something was said about Easter and Emily June said, "Jesus lives in my heart, He died on the cross for us." It truly made me smile, and so thankful for programs like CBS who teach the kids about the real meaning. (They never listen to me, so thankful they listen to their CBS teachers! ) I asked Wyatt what Easter meant and he said, " Candy and egg hunts..." so I still have some work to do!
So thankful for a Father who loves us so much, He sent His son... As a mom, I sometimes have a hard time imagining that kind of love. Real Love. Having His perfect son, sacrificed for me. Seems so undeserving, yet so grateful. So my prayer goes on.. I pray every day we can love like Jesus... He did pay it all for me.

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