Monday, August 20, 2012

End of the Summer Fun... last minute trip to Houston.

 Last day of Gymnastics... Future 2012?

 Sweet friends
 Gold medalist

 On our way to Houston to surprise Dommie.....
 Natural pose?
 A little surprised... We walked in and Dommie was a bit surprised.

 My bestie! I got to sneak out one night to see Em and Alicia, my girl besties. I love my girlfriends/sisters. Makes life sweeter.
 My two Emily's
 Can you believe she is 95?!

 Dommie is a true gem... such a classy lady and we just love her!

 My sweet family.
 Best part of driving to Midland... a rain cloud.
 After 8 hours in the car.
EJ after 8 hours... a little crazy.

Summer has been fast, I am really sad it is almost over. The kids and I have enjoyed being together and I think when school starts next week I am going to be a basket case... and I am not even an emotional person! We had our last class of gymnastics this week, Wyatt is on "team" and loves it, EJ decided she rather be a dancer, so it was her last class. She loved the gold metal ceremony, especially after the seeing the Olympics. I honestly think she like being on the stage getting a metal more than the whole summer of classes. That does not surprise most people who know her though!

We have tried new things this summer.. as many new things as you can in Midland but one of our favorite was roller skating. I have to admit I like the old music and memories of my roller skating days. I did learn I am not 10 anymore and cannot fly around the rink like I use too! It took me three weeks to get rid of the purple and black bruise on my bottom. A good reminder when I turned 35.

This past weekend we took a last minute road trip to Houston to see Zach's grandmother "Dommie." She is turing 95 on the 25th, and just amazes me. If you looked up the word class in the dictionary.. Dommie's picture would be there. She is just someone you love to be around, great sense of humor, never says a bad thing about anyone, and I always learn something when I am with her. I just really wish she lived closer. The kids did really well on the trip, hard to say that when it is a 8-9 hour car ride, but thank goodness for modern technology. While we were in Houston we stayed at the Galleria, so we went ice skating for the first time. I wish I had pictures, ice skating as a family... but you can use your imagination. Zach busted once, Wyatt was so determined he had to change clothes afterwards (soaking wet from falling), and EJ wanted to be Angela ballerina in the middle of the rink. We did have a good time though. We woke up Sunday and Wyatt was crying, " I don't want to leave, home is so boring!"  So I guess that means they enjoyed Houston!

One last week until school starts... we are going to make the best of it! I sure do love my kids.

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