Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chucky Cheese

Wyatt's own version of skee ball

I love tickets...

Who says I am a baby?!

Fishing with Cal

Skee ball with Clara and Cal

Wednesdays have become a very popular day in the Doss household. The minute I picked Wyatt up from class he runs up to me and says, " Can we got to chucky cheese now?!" He never forgets. We have such a good time and Wyatt enjoys playing with Cal, Clara, and Tye. June and William do not like to be left out either... one day they will take off on us too. Here are some cute pictures from today. Wyatt has not grasped the "game" thing.. he obviously did not know how to play skeeball either! I love the fact he can play for over an hour on maybe 10 tokens?!