Friday, November 7, 2008


I am not sure what is going on this week, but I feel like I am being bossed around by a 2 1/2 year old! What is the deal? I have found myself saying, " You will not talk to me like that." And realizing I am saying this to my own kid?! What has happened in our household! Zach and I will be sitting down on the couch and Wyatt will walk by and say, " Mommy, no- you move." Where did my sweet little boy go? and who and I raising?! We have tried time out... does not seem to work, spanking (not CPS style) does not work, and trying to explain it is disrespectful seems to go in one ear out the other. So, I am hoping Mrs Goldie will have a few more ideas for us! I refuse to answer or let a 2 year old talk to us like a drill Sargent. Any ideas!?


Kris said...

I'm sure it is because he is two! Hang in there! I'm sure I have the same thing to look forward to!

Kay-Lynn said...

Consistency...Consistency..Consistency! Kids will be Kids and they will say and do horrible things but what they need to know is that they will not get away with the behavior.

And why it might not seem like what you are doing is making a difference it will...I promise.

Of do have to change this up every now and then as far as punishment goes...what works at one age..does not work when they are a different age and what works for one child does not work for another.

good luck and you are doing great!