Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wendesday playdate

Hudson, Wyatt, and Jake

June loved flying the airplane
sweet bug, hanging off the side

Wyatt taking his turn

Wyatt inside the cockpit

Wyatt and June.. pilot and co pilot

June and Jake lost in the flowers

I love my future MIL

June and Andy having a good time. Andy was not too sure about this, but June was all about it!

DAvis giving June a sweet hug

Why is my child all of the sudden scared of everything? Is this normal? Wyatt is so scared of things.. yet my second child is fearless. Today we had a successful playdate at CAF.. The only problem was Wyatt was scared teh planes were going to start up and take off. Seriously, I tried to reason with him and say, " I would never put you in danger, or on a runway with planes that were taking off and landing." Reasoning does not work with my child! Depsite his fears, we had a great time with Jake, Hudson, Davis and June even had another girl to play with.. sweet Andy. It was nice to get out of the house and do something different, even if they do not fully understand yet. They were more interested in the cats that live in the airport hangers, than the actual airplanes, but whatever enteretains them! Next time we might just go to Pet Smart!


Molly said...

Summer is looking fun!
I know that soldier is smiling down on y'all! What a great way to honor him! 100 total pull ups!!! Wow! I can't even do 1! And how much weight are you lifting?? You are STRONG!

Janai Rogers said...

so fun! can't wait to join the Wednesday fun!