Sunday, October 10, 2010

The air show

Trying to hold two babies who are no so much babies anymore.....
The face of happiness.. he loved every minute.. notice the scratch on his cheek
F15... From Mike and Michelles air suite (the perfect spot for the kids and to see everything and stay shaded! Thanks again Michelle!)
Will and EJ playing with ear plugs... Oh, you can actually put these in your ears as oppose to the playdough she shoved into her ears at CBS.
Wyatt and Clara

We had a wonderful time this weekend... Saturday started off with Wyatt's first goal and he was so excited.. then we headed out to the air show. I guess I should elaborate on the first goal, I told him once he scored his first goal we would go to Toys R us. (at this point in his precious life, soccer does not come natural) I forgot to say the goal had to be for our team. Regardless, he was so excited and had no idea he scored for the other team so we are headed to Toys R Us! After soccer, we were invited by sweet friends to join them out at the air show. Wyatt and EJ both really love airplanes and we visit the CAF on a regular basis to see the old planes and sit in the cockpits and "pretend "to be pilots. Yesterday they were in awe... we are so blessed to have such a wonderful show in Midland. They saw just about every plane and were so thrilled to see "FiFi" flying. She has been in the CAF hanger for years getting worked on. We are met a cute young pilot named Andrew who flew the F15... the sexiest plane of all... It was big fun. Wyatt decided real quick after seeing how fast the F15 is, he wanted to fly that plane! I could not agree more!

Emily June has officially hit her terrible, horrible, fit throwing, mouthy, mean twos.. Boy have we all had a week of her! That sweet precious girl scraped Wyatt all over his face, ruined my comforter this week with desitin, pulled the fire alarm at school (yes, everyone had to evacuate), and told her daddyhe was being "ridiculous" when trying to discipline her. I pray every night her passion and boldness and spirit with be for the good of Christ. Some told me that when they are 2 that is what they are going to be like with they are 15... really, I refuse to believe that! I am ready for this stage to be OVER!

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