Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Busy Columbus Day...

My handsome boys!Sweet sisters watching their brothers.....
Sweet Anna Bell and Junebug
Size difference! Jackson and Wyatt
Papa and EJ
"What are we suppose to be doing? Do you know? You? "
Best buddies....
Coming out of the parent tunnel after the game.. I love the smiles when you loose like 20-2! They just have fun and do not care!
Papa and Ms. Pam went to the Indian reservations in New Mexico and brought us back these feather hats. I was wondering what in the world I was going to do with them, but a girlfriend of mine old me in 2nd grade they all dress up like Indians.. so we are covered! Does she not look innocent? My beautiful girl in her TERRIBLE TWOS!!!!

Her princess dress and sporting her twinkle toe shoes of course!
Wyatt and Hudson (yes, that is the same scratch on
Sweet friends EJ and Marissa
Savvy and Wyatt
Trouble... Marissa, EJ, and Andy.... watch out boys!
To no one's surprise, EJ was very good at hitting the pinata!

We had a busy Columbus Day.. we celebrated a sweet friends birthday party, swim lessons, and a soccer game. Wyatt finally grasped soccer in one of his last games. Zach was so proud to see him dribble the ball and shoot.. almost a goal (yes, for our team.) Who knows if he will like the sport, but I know that moment made Zach smile!

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