Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekly update...

The salt and pepper shaker Wyatt is referring too..

Well it has been a good, long week. Lets see what happened, Wyatt thinks Jesus is a cowboy, I made the worst mistake by taking two kids and a crazy dog to the vet, June officially hates Santa and I am pretty sure who my future son in law will be.

Starting with Jesus is a cowboy. Wyatt found some old antique salt and pepper shakers in the cabinet the other day and brought one to me and said, "Look I found Jesus!" Wonderful news I thought, then I saw the old cowboy. He carried him around and then decided that Jesus likes cars too and took him for a ride. He put "Jesus" in the front of his car and took off as fast as he could screaming, " Jesus likes to go fast!" So, little did I know Jesus is a cowboy and that would explain why we Texans feel we are closer to God than anyone else!

Wednesday, I had a vet appointment to take our insane, crazy, Foxhound "Tinker" to the vet. I felt bad bc I know it has been at least 3 years since she has been in and thought I should take her in for a check up and update shots. I love my vet and thought what a great time to take Wyatt and show him all the animals they have in the lobby and see the horses etc. I told him about how we were going to see a big snake and alligator... and he was thrilled. I was not thinking very clearly when I decided to take on this task. I load the kids up in my car, throw Tink in the back and she is going crazy.. barking, freaking out and trying to jump over the seat. We finally get there and I think.. hum "how do I get my kids and crazy dog out of the car?" So I put June in her stroller, Wyatt next to me and looped the dog leach around my foot to get the kids out of the car... Tink wrapped her leach around the stroller and it was a mess. We made it inside, and the drama continued. Tinker hates tile floors.... freaks out on them, well the entire office is tile floors... Wyatt loves the alligator and snake but I forgot to mention they had birds... that freaked him out and June was doing anything she could to get out of the stroller so both children are screaming and Tinker is freaking out on the floors and refuses to move. I am not even going to get into trying to get into the room, back in the car and home.. it was a nightmare. Poor Bleu might not make it to the vet for another three years!

Saturday, we had a wonderful morning with the Johnson's and McNeels. Laura's in laws invited us to see Santa and make cookies at the CC and it was so much fun. We lined up to Santa and the minute June saw him she decided she did not want any part of it. Wyatt jumped up with Brock and told him he wanted "cars." Brock is so precious bc he is very detailed with Santa and tells him exactly what he wants... "a flashlight, toolbox with real tools, and a ladder." Locker is just happy see Santa and does his perfect little smile for the best Santa picture... Hudson, Sam and June hopefully next year will get to see Santa without screaming!
The kids have never had so much sugar.. Halloween could not even touch this! I looked over and Wyatt had a spoonful of green icing in his mouth and shoving any and all candy he could get a hold of on top of that. They had every kind of candy you can imagine and Wyatt had a handful of everything. Brock, Hudson, Locker, and even June were doing their fair share of keeping up with Wyatt. They were so wound up Zach made Wyatt run up and down stairs five times before we got in the car. ... Jenn emailed me later and said Hudson threw up when they got home and the gummy bears were still whole! They literally inhaled the candy. After a good long nap Wyatt had another Santa party at his buddy Thomas' house and could care less about Santa but was interested in Thomas' cars...

Today we went and saw Santa again at Hannah's first birthday party..again June wanted no part of the Santa. I guess for a baby there really is something creepy about a big red man in a suit with a fake beard wanting to hold you!

As you can tell, Santa is very popular this year in Midland, Texas!

Alright, now my future son in law... Hudson McNeel. He can make my daughter smile like no one else, she literally lights up when she sees him. It is precious, he takes care of her...steals pacifiers for her and always asks and make sure she is alright. I figure if he is willing to go up against 2 1/2 year old, take their precious pacifiers, toys and anything else June might want... it is love. Her baby knight in shining armor. I love romance, so yes I am living it thru my almost 11 month old daughter! But on a serious note, June McNeel sounds great and she would have the best in laws.

A few first today... Mom took Wyatt to his first Disney movie today.. that lasted 15 minutes then he got scared and said, "Meema , time to go!" he did not leave without his popcorn and coke though. This was the first time he has had popcorn and a coke that I know of too! June did take 1-2 steps on her own this afternoon.. so we are waiting for her to take off any minute now. She also said "Sassy" today (her pacifier) and "bird" to add to her growing vocabulary of "pa pa", "daddy, " Bubba" and "momma" when she is mad!

Oh, and I forgot to mention we had a adult (meaning no kids!) party Thursday night and it felt like a old high school reunion.. loved every minute of it and it is so funny see everyone 12 years later with kids, real jobs, and doing life. What did we all do though? about our kids! I just hate the fact we only do it once a year... we need to do it more often.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Ok! This post is hilarious! I was laughing out loud!!!! Hang in there!