Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Standoff

Dinner time is become a standoff between a stuburn 2 year old and his parents. Wednesday nights are wonderful because Sheri cooks us a wonderful homemade meal and drops it off. I love the bc I do not have to cook, clean or think about what is for dinner. Wyatt has decided lately he is on a food strike... and will not eat. I cooked dinner Monday night, Tuesday night and tonight he still refuses to eat. He is quite clever and is a charmer about wanting to get up and not eat.. he smiles, gives lots of kisses, wants to say the blessing 42 times, and really does anything he can to not have to eat. So I am tired of it, I am going to do what I always said I would not and make him eat his food. We have had this issue before and whatever I did before did not seem to work, so now I am determined to get my kid to eat healthy food! June eats whatever I put in front of her, tonight she ate carrots, greenbeans, and a banana. So no problem there! Zach's face says it all with our frustration on Wyatt refusing to eat. I know people say "they will eat when they are hungry" but no breakfast, littel lunch and three nights of hardly anything is stressful!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Oh, the joys of dinner time! Love the car story!!!