Friday, January 30, 2009

Supper Club

The Boys table
Notice Laura's belly.. our newest member Elizabeth Ann
(Holt is the daddy... not Ryan! )

The girls table

The supper club girls (Laura, Me, Mauri, Jenn, Janai, Darby)

I am fortunate to have wonderful friends. Once a month our supper club gets together at someones house for dinner and the rules are ...No kids! This all started about 6 months ago when we realized after having kids we never get to see each other and have an adult conversation. So someone mentioned this idea and it is wonderful.. everyone should have a supper club whether it is 2 members or 12! It forces you to get out of your house (or host ) and have a great time. We were the hosts this month and we did Mexican food. All the recipes were from Jenn and Sheri so they were delicious and I made the easy ones! I have a fear of hosting parties at my house, I am not sure why... but this was so much fun I want to do it again. (Oh and my mother in law helped with setting the table and making it look pretty! That was not me! ) I look forward to next month!!


Jennifer said...

Love those pics Vickie! Ryan does have the proud "That's mine" look on his face while posing with Laura!! Too funny. Thanks for the tastiest meal I have had in months. I am baking your cheesecake right this second. Jenn

Janai Rogers said...

We had so much fun! The food was to die for! you were a great hostess and we can't wait for next month!